Mundri, Kaithal-136027 (Haryana)

A State University established under Haryana Act No. 20 of 2018 Recognized under UGC 2(F)


Construction Branch

The Construction Branch is a wing of the University for executing and monitoring the construction works and Maintenance works in University campus. The Construction Branch prepares estimates and proposals for various development works. The Construction Branch also liaisons with various Government Bodies like PW (B&R) Department, HSRDC, Public Health Department, Irrigation Department and NBCC (I) Ltd. etc. for various public works and Deposit works in the University campus. With the support of University Administration, in a very short span the Construction Branch has satisfactorily developed its infrastructure as well as horticulture & landscaping in the University Campus.

Building Construction Committee.

The Building Construction Committee under the Chairmanship of the Vice Chancellor considers the various proposals of Construction Branch regarding infrastructure development in the campus. The committee gives approval to the Drawings and estimates submitted by the Construction Branch and allow construction works through E - Tendering process.

The MQCC has also been constituted by the Hon’ble Vice Chancellor for monitoring the progress and quality of construction works in the University Campus.


Office Address : Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Govt. Collage, Jagdishpura (Ambala Road), Kaithal


  09:00 AM to 5:00 PM

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